Privacy Policy

Who we are

This is the website for The Crane Clinic Galway.

Privacy Policy and Cookie Guidance

This privacy policy is intended to inform you how we use personal information collected via the website such as your name, address, mobile number, social media contact details and email address. All your personal Information will be used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2018.

Information collection

We only collect information about you when you use our contact form or order form on the website. This information will only be used for the purpose stated at point of collection. The transmission of information via these personal information forms on this website is done via a secure mechanism that encrypts the data being transferred and is only readable to us the recipient. Please note that data submitted via our website is secure (https) but this security does not apply to emails you send to us directly, only to information or messages sent via our online forms.

This Website will never collect personal information about you without your knowledge, and will only use that information for a known reason. Information provided will not be passed to outside organisations, agencies or individuals, unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

The Information we collect about you may be used to:

  • Contact you in response to any general or specific enquiries made by you.
  • Contact you in relation to your submitted order.

Note: our retention policy relating to personal information provided via our online forms is as follows:

  • Information obtained via our general contact us form: this information is only retained for the duration necessary to facilitate follow-up.
  • Information obtained via our online shopping cart: this information is only retained for up to one month, to facilitate follow-up.

Cookie Guidance

As part of our initiative to comply with recent legislation, we are providing this information to be clear about your privacy when using our website.

Cookies are tiny text files stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. We use cookies only when needed, for example, when you fill out our contact or signup forms some technical information is kept to determine whether anything is missing before being submitted.

We only use cookies on this site for purposes of our online contact and order forms, social media (facebook, Instagram), third-party services (YouTube, Google Fonts, Google reCaptcha). If you don’t wish to use (and disable) cookies, you will still be able to browse this site. Most web browsers have cookies enabled, but you can disable these yourself should you need to.  Please note that cookies can’t harm your computer. We do not store personally identifiable information in cookies.   


Looking after your Personal Information

From May 25 2018 a new set of regulations were introduced that ensure that all of our personal information is protected.  

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) replaces the existing Data Protection Act of 1998 and brings the regulations up to date and helps to protect our personal information from our ever expanding digital footprint.

My Data Protection Promise:

As the ‘Data Controller’ of your personal data, I take my role in the protection of your data very seriously.  As such, I promise to:

  1. Only collect data from you that is relevant to your acupuncture treatment.
  2. Not pass on your personal data to any third-parties for marketing purposes.
  3. Contact you and get your consent if I need to communicate with other health professionals (such as your doctor) about your care.
  4. Use ‘Private Practice Software’ to store your personal information.  This means your information is well protected from theft or unauthorised access. 
  5. Use paper notes for your treatment records which are kept securely under lock and key in the clinic which is locked.

Should you have any concerns about your personal data or you wish to have information about the personal data I hold about you, you can contact me at

Your Data Protection Rights under the GDPR:

 When GDPR came into effect in May 2018 you now have the right to:

  1. Access any of the information that I collect plus any other content that forms part of your patient record, including notes and expect to be able to read them and understand what they mean without expert medical knowledge.
  2. Know if your personal information has been forwarded to a third-party (such as a fellow healthcare professional, consultant or GP.)
  3. Have any invalid information about you corrected.
  4. Have your personal data deleted by me if you decide to switch to another acupuncture provider.
  5. Prevent further use (or processing) of your information.
  6. Ask your acupuncturist to send you (or your new acupuncturist) your personal information in an open electronic format like a .csv file or text file.
  7. Request that your acupuncturist stops sending you any marketing information.
  8. Ensure that any profiling that is undertaken using your personal data is fair, appropriate, statistically valid and transparent.
  9. Expect your acupuncturist to take appropriate measures to protect your data.
  10. Be notified if critical information about you was inappropriately accessed and was deemed to be a critical breach.
  11. Not to have your personal information transferred outside the EU.
  12. Know how your personal information is being used by your acupuncturist.